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Friday, March 30, 2012

JNU - Office Asst Vacancy

Applications are invited for the following purely temporary posts in the Project entitled “Programme Support on Molecular Parasitology” funded by the Department of Biotechnology.

Essential Qualifications : Graduation in any field

Work Experience : 
Experience in lab and grant management, organization of workshops, knowledge of GFR preferred

Desirable Qualification: 
Knowledge and experience in Computer and office software

The selected candidate will be appointed on purely temporary basis, initially for a period of one year or till his/her services are required by the project Director or till validity of the project, whichever is earliest.

The application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth/age, address, essential / technical / professional qualifications, experiences, research work, should reach the, undersigned (Prof. Alok Bhattacharya, Project Director), School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, on or before 10th April 2012. 

Last Date: 10 April 12

Click Here For More Details:


Section Research Engineer/ Junior Research Engineer-AJMER

The following categories have been included in addition to the categories available in CEN No. 01/2012.

Section Research Engineer / S&T
Education Qualification : 
i) 4 (Four) year Degree in Engineering in Electrical, Electronics, Microprocessor, TV Engineering, Fibre Optical Communication, Telecommunication, Communication, Sound & TV Engineering, Industrial Control, Electronics Instrumentation, Industrial Electronic, Applied Electronics, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, Information Science /Technology, Computer Application, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Technology or ii) M.Sc. (Electronics, Physics, Computer Science) Note:- Atleast 1 post out of 3 from Electrical Engineering for RRB/Jammu Srinagar.

Junior Research Engineer Gr-II/ S&T
Education Qualification : 
03 (Three) year Diploma in Engineering in Electrical, Electronics, Microprocessor, T.V. Engineering, Fiber OpticalCommunication, Tele communication, Communication, Sound & TV Engineering, Industrial Control, Electronic Instrumentation, Industrial Electronics, Applied Electronics, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, Information Science / Technology, Computer Application, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Technology.

Junior Research Engineer Gr-II/ Mechanical
Education Qualification : 
03 (Three) years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised Institution

Junior Research Engineer Gr-II/ Instrumentation
Education Qualification : 
03 (Three) years Diploma in Telecommunication / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation Engineering from a recognised Institution

Junior Research Engineer Gr-II/ Civil
Education Qualification : 
03 (Three) years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised Institution

In page no 53 (first page of CEN) Date of exam i.e. 09-09-2012 and in page 66, in first line of para 17 of general instructionsscheduled date of exam is modified as under:
Date of Exam: 09-09-2012 for Junior Engineers & Junior Research Engineers and 16-09-2012 for Sr. Section Engineers & Section Research Engineers.
The last date for submission of applications is extended up to 24-04-2012 (17.30 hrs.) For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman, Nicobar and
Lakshwadeep islands and for candidates residing abroad, the closing date for receipt of applications by posts will be 09-05-2012 upto 17.30 hrs.
In page 63 Para 1.08 of general instructions closing date may be read as 24-04-2013 in place of 09-04-2013.
In the general instructions
(i) In para 3.06 (at page no.64) “Item no. 5(a)” to be replaced with “item no. 6(a)”
(ii) In para 4.04 (at page no.64) “Item no. 9” to be replaced with “item no. 11 of Annexure - 1”
(iii) In para 5.04 (at page no.64) replace “Passport size” with “3.5 cm x 3.5 cm size”
(iv) In para 9 (at page no.65) replace “paras 2.03 & 3.02” with “paras 2.03 & 3.01”
Other terms & conditions remain unchanged.

Note : This was also published in all National News Papers i.e., The Times of India, The Hindu & Hindustan (Hindi) on 25.03.2012.

Last Date : 24 April 12

Click Here For More Details:


IRCTC - Assistant Manager Vacancy-2012

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC), a premier Miniratna Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways invites applications for appointment to the following posts in Tourism Department on contract basis through open directrecruitment:

Assistant Manager ( E-2)

Regular Master degree in Tourism Management or Administration/MTM / 2 years regular Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management from a UGC/AICTE recognized
University/Institute. Working Knowledge of MS-Office is essential.

Certificate or Diploma in Tourism or Hospitality courses from International
professional organization such as IATA/**UFTAA would be preferred.

Experience :
A minimum of 4 years of post qualification experience out of which at least 2 years in executive cadre in a PSU or reputed travel and tourism organization, in operation marketing and management. No part of teaching experience would qualify for the above
stipulated experience requirements.
Candidates from private sector having a minimum CTC of Rs.4 lakhs per annum will be
eligible for applying.

The initial contract period will be of three years which can be
extended by another two years based on satisfactory performance of the selected candidates and requirement of the organization. However, management reserves the right for regularizing the services of outstanding performers in the selected post after completion of initial contract period and based on requirement of the organization.

Eligible candidates of Indian Nationality have to apply only through online registration system of IRCTC i.e. through Online submission of the applications will be allowed on the website between 2nd May 2011 to 23rd May 2011. No other means/mode of application shall be accepted.
While applying On-Line, candidate should have the following readily available.
• Two E-mail IDs (from different service providers which must be valid for at least one year from the date of registration)
• Crossed demand draft/pay order of Rs. 300/- as processing and Examination fees from
General & OBC candidates only which will be attached to the Registration slip and
dispatched to- Post Bag No. 007, Sriniwaspuri Post Office, New Delhi -110065 by 31st May 2011. No other means/mode of application shall be accepted.
• SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from processing and examination fees.
• SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates will have to submit their caste / disability certificate along with the registration slip.
• Candidates will have to submit details of relevant post qualification experience with date in chronological order along with theregistration slip.
• The DD details (if applicable) and valid e-mail ID are mandatory fields without which applications will not be registered.
• The Demand Draft is non refundable and should be drawn in favor of " Indian Railway
Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd." payable at New Delhi only. Demand drafts
payable at locations other than New Delhi will not be accepted. Money Order / Postal
Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable.

Last date : 23rd May 2011

Click Here For More Details:

Dena Bank - Probationary Officer Vacancy-2012

ena Bank, invites applications from Qualified Candidates who hold a valid score card issued by IBPS in 2011-12 for the post of Probationary Officer

Probationary Officer

A Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Government of India.
ESSENTIAL REQUIRMENT: - Valid IBPS score obtained in Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers [POs] / Management Trainees [MTs] 2011-12.

a. Educational Qualifications should be as on 01.07.2011.
b. Computer Literacy: Computer proficiency is essential. Before joining the Bank in Officer Cadre, candidate should possess basic computer application and operational skills, i.e., WINDOWS, MS OFFICE/LOTUS SMART SUITE, Internet and E-Mail operations. A certificate from a recognised University or an Institute duly recognised by the State/Central Government or from any other Institute which is acceptable to the Bank to be submitted by the candidate as an evidence of having acquired computer proficiency. The candidate having passed the computer subject during his graduation/postgraduation will also be acceptable. Duration of the course done should be preferably for 60 hours.
c. Candidates should be able to produce the valid score card issued by IBPS in support of the scores mentioned in the online application form if called for further selection process such as interview.

i. The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to requirement of the Bank.
ii. As per Government guidelines received from Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, New Delhi, Bank is extending a sub-quota of 4.5% for minorities, as defined under Section 2
( C ) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992, from within the 27% reservation for OBCs as notified by Government of India, in their OM dated 22.12.2011. The Castes, Communities of the said minorities which are included in the Central list of OBCs notified State-wise from time to time , by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment shall be covered by the said sub-quota.

A candidate must be either 
i) a citizen of India or 
ii) a subject of Nepal or 
iii) a subject of Bhutan or 
iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or 
v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly
Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. A candidate
in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be provisionally admitted to the interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment will be given only after producing necessary eligibility certificate issued to him/her by the Government of India.

i. Bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss in transit of any communication.
ii. Candidates need not send the print out of the Computer Generated Online Application after submitting the application online. However, they are advised to take a Print-Out of the same and retain the same alongwith fee payment challan / NEFT receipt for future reference and required to produce the same at the time of Interview.
iii. Candidates are required to apply on-line through website No other means/mode of applications will be accepted. Application link from website will be open from 28.03.2012 to 12.04.2012, both days inclusive.
iv. Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Bank would be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the post for which he/she has applied.
v. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated.

i. The candidates should have a valid email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. Bank will send call letters for interview etc. through the registered e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to /of any other person.
ii. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line.
The guideline for on-line application is given as under for candidates who wish to pay the requisite fees by means of “PAYMENT CHALLAN” (where nearest Dena Bank Branch is available):
i. Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website and click on the Home page and open the link “Recruitment”
ii. Thereafter, open the recruitment Notification entitled “Dena Bank - Recruitment Project for Probationary Officer-2012”
iii. Take a Print of the entire ‘ FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN’
iv. Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible handwriting in BLOCK LETTERS.
v. Go to the nearest DENA BANK BRANCH with the Fee Payment Challan and Pay in cash, the appropriate application Fee in CBS Account NO. 116211021139 with Corporate Business Branch, BKC, Mumbai - 51 in the name & style of “Dena Bank – Rectt Pro for PO - 2012”
vi. Obtain the applicant’s Copy of Counterfoil of the Application Fee Payment Challan duly receipted by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & Branch SOL ID (b) Transaction ID (c) Date of Deposit & Amount filled by the Branch Official.
vii. Candidates are now ready to apply on-line by re-visiting the Recruitment link appropriate places. Fill in all other required details therein and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the On-Line Application form. Retain your Registration number and password for further reference safely. After applying on-line, the registered candidates must retain the print out of application form for further reference.
viii. This system generated printout of the application should be submitted along with 2 sets of required certificates/testimonials at the time of interview
ix. Original counterfoil of the fee payment challan will have to be submitted with call letter at the time of interview. Without counterfoil of the fee payment challan the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the interview. Candidates are advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan for future use.

Last Date : 12 April 12

Click Here For More Details:

NPCIL - Physiotherapist For BSC

NPCIL a premier Public Sector Enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy, involved in the Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of Nuclear Power Stations/Projects invitesapplications from qualified personnel for its unit at Narora Atomic Power Station situated at Narora in Bulandshahr District of Uttar Pradesh.

1- Physiotherapist(Scientific Assistant-B)

Qualification & Experience
Degree or equivalent Diploma in Physiotherapy with minimum 50% marks in
Degree or Diploma

1. In addition to Pay, other allowances like Dearness Allowance at the Central Government Rates, PF, LTC, Medical, Canteen Subsidy, Production Incentive, Group Insurance, Gratuity, Housing etc. as per Corporation rules will be part of the remuneration package.
2. The number of posts indicated above may vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection.
3. Outstation ST candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to & fro sleeper class Rail/Bus fare by shortest route on production of journey tickets.
4. Incomplete applications and applications without enclosures are liable to be rejected.
5. Mere fulfilling of the eligibility criteria will not automatically entitle a candidate to be called for interview.
6. The initial posting will be at Narora Atomic Power Station, Narora. However, the personnel are liable to transfer to other Units of NPCIL in India.
7. Details also available at our website -

How to Apply %
1. Application (preferably type written) to be sent as per the format provided in this advertisement only.
2. A recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the space provided for in the format.
3. Candidates working in Govt./Public Sector Organization should forward their application through proper channel or attach a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer.
4. Attested copies of certificates in support of (a) Educational qualification (b) Date of birth (c) belonging to SC/ST/OBC/ Ex serviceman (d) Experience Certificate , if any, should be attached with the application.
Application duly completed in all respects should be sent to The Manager (HRM), Narora Atomic Power Station, Post NAPS Township, Narora, Distt. Bulandshahr-202389 (UP) so as to reach on or before 07-05-2012, superscribing on the envelope “Application for the post of Physiotherapist”. Applications received after the due date will not be considered. 

Last Date: 7 May 12

Click Here For More Details:

ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd - Assistant Managers Vacancy

OTPC invites applications from competent professionals for the following posts:

Manager- Engineering & Business Development 
Qualification : 
B. Tech. (Mechanical / Electrical) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 8 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Manager- Electrical Maintenance 
Qualification :
B. Tech. (Electrical) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 8 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Manager - C&I (One Position)
Qualification :
B. Tech (Instrumentation / Electronic Communication) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Minimum 8 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area 

Manager - Technical Cell 
Qualification :
B. Tech (Mechanical / Electrical) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Minimum 8 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Manager – Finance & Accounts 
C.A. with SAP knowledge
Minimum 8 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Assistant Manager (Shift In Charge) - Operations 
Qualification :
B. Tech. (Mechanical) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 5 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Assistant Manager - Mechanical Maintenance
Qualification :
B. Tech. (Mechanical) with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 5 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Assistant Manager - HR & Admin
Qualification :
Graduate with full time PG Degree / PG Diploma / PG Programme in Management with specialization in Human Resource /Industrial Relations / Personnel Management or MBA with specialization in HR with at least 60% marks from a recognizedUniversity / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 5 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

Assistant Manager – IT
Qualification :
B. Tech (Computer Science) / MCA with at least 60% marks from a recognized University / Institution
Experience :
Minimum 5 Years of post qualification executive experience in the relevant area

The incumbent would be required to discharge various duties / responsibilities (detailed job description is enclosed with the post above) which shall be assigned to him / her from time to time. The company offers one of the best Compensation package in cost to company (CTC) terms in the country with opportunity of merit-oriented advancement in a professionally managed organization focused on growth.

Candidates fulfilling the requirements may email their detailed resume indicating post applied for, name & father’s name, date of birth, contact number & mailing address, qualification (10th onwards indicating degree, institution, year of passing and percentage of marks) and experience (covering post held, organization, period & nature of duties) to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it within 15 days. Applications received after due date neither be entertained nor responded and OTPC will not be responsible for any delay whatsoever. Also, incomplete applications will be summarily rejected and no correspondence shall be entertained from the candidates not short-listed for the Interview. 

Eligible candidates will be required to appear for interview once confirmed. The selected candidates will be appointed subject to being medically fit.

Last Date : 13.04.2012

Click Here For More Details:

Goa Shipyard Limited - Manager Vacancy

Goa Shipyard Limited, a Public Sector Company under the Ministry of Defense, is presently engaged in the activities of designing and building special purpose modern sophisticated ships for the Navy , Coast Guard, Commercial and Export segment. The Company is looking for the following personnel.

Manager/Deputy Manager-Civil/Assistant Manager-Civil

Qualification :
Graduate in Civil Engineering (B.E. /B. Tech.) from a reputed and recognized university.

Experience :
Candidate should have minimum 07/04/01 year of Post Qualification Experience for the post of Manager/Deputy Manager/Assistant Manager respectively as a project/site engineer in any reputed company and involved in estimation, tendering, supervision, building new projects, and maintenance work. Experience in Technical works, Contract Management, works execution, bills preparation and verification in PWD / CPWD / Public Sector will be given due preference. Computer Knowledge is preferable. The post is purely on fixed term basis for a period of 03 years which may be extended further depending on work. During the period the incumbent will be entitled for pay and allowances as applicable to regular officers of the company.

a)Benefits for posts such as DA, HRA and other allowances as applicable to the grade as per rules. 
b)Candidates having more experience in the relevant field and otherwise fulfilling the eligibility criteria may be considered for age relaxation at the discretion of the Management. 
c)Candidates applying for the above mentioned vacancies must possess minimum 02 years experience in the immediate lower grade i.e. Candidate applying for Deputy General Manager (Safety), Senior Manager (Safety), Manager (Civil), Deputy Manager (Civil) and Assistant Manager (Civil) must possess minimum 02 years experience in E-4, E-3, E-2, E-1 and E-0 grade respectively.
d)Candidates working in Govt. /Quasi Government/Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Bodies must apply through proper channel or produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of interview without which the candidates will neither be interviewed nor will GSL make any payment towards their travelling expenses.
e)Management reserves the right to raise the eligibility criteria for short listing the applications. 
f)(i) Outstation candidates appearing/attending for Walk-In Interviews for the post of Manager/Deputy Manager-Civil /AssistantManager-Civil will be paid to and fro II Tier AC rail/bus fare and the candidates appearing/attending for Walk-In Interviews and found eligible for the interview for the post of Assistant Superintendent (Finance) and Civil Assistant – Grade II will be paid to and fro IInd Sleeper rail/bus fare by the shortest route from their Place of Residence to Goa Shipyard Limited, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa or Hindustan Aeronautical Limited Management Academy, Bangalore, Karnataka (where ever they have attended the Interview) only on being eligible for the said post after the verification of Documents and production of proof of journey, as per the rules of the Company.
(ii) Outstation candidates called for the interview for the post of DGM/SM (safety) and Junior Manager (Electrical) will be paid to and fro II Tier AC rail/bus fare and the candidates qualifying for the interview for the post of Office Assistant, Cook and Painter will be paid to and fro IInd Sleeper rail/bus fare by the shortest route from their Place of Residence to Goa Shipyard Limited only on production of proof of journey as per the rules of the Company.
g)The Govt. directives on reservation for SC/ST/OBC/ PWD/Ex-servicemen will be strictly followed.
h)Suitable candidates (if any) may be empanelled at the discretion of the management over and above the number of vacancies advertised for future requirements.
i)Interim enquiries will not be entertained.
j)Applications from candidates not applying in the prescribed format of application shall be liable for rejection.
k)No applications shall be entertained through e-mail or any other electronic medium.
L) The application form for this post is not downloadable. It will be provided to the candidates those who report for the Walk-In Interview with all their original documents and attested photo copies of the same, in respect of their qualifications, experiences, caste/tribe etc to the Venue of the interview. 

Last Date : 21 April 2012

Click Here For More Details:{0056-0110-0148-0128-0161-0192-0225-0256}

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Business Development Manager @ iThink Infotech

Company Profile:

iThink Infotech is the "IT" FACTOR in the Information Technology industry. Our work has the level of enhanced maturity that continues to grow with each blend of software knowledge. Let us become your legacy; don't be confused by our name: although we think soft, our services reflect a loud result iThink Infotech"s most valuable assets has always been it's never ending list of satisfied customers. Our approach is vibrant which brings spectacular and global results. Our Software Development, Web Development, Design Solutions & Online Marketing Services go beyond just basic IT Services. We blend creativity, technical expertise & innovation with precise business strategy in order to deliver a full spectrum of turnkey solutions to meet your requirements.

Role & Responsibilities:

As a business development manager, you'll be responsible for building up a business through gaining new customers and accounts.
Your exact level of responsibility may vary widely, according to your experience and seniority. However, that said, your routine work is likely to include:
* Following up new business opportunities and setting up meetings
* Planning and preparing presentations
* Establishing and maintaining working relationships
* Communicating new product developments to prospective clients
* Setting up call centre support teams and claims handlers
* Overseeing the development of marketing literature
* Administering accounts and writing reports
* Providing management with market feedback.
* Travelling to visit clients and attending corporate entertainment events.
* Locates or proposes potential business deals by contacting potential partners; discovering and exploring opportunities.
* Identifies trendsetter ideas by researching the market.

Skills Required:

* Min 1-3 years works experience.
* Qualified with BMS or an MBA degree.
* Management skills & Dedication a must. 
* Flexible working hours required.

A business development manager needs:
* Good business sense
* Understanding about their market and competitors' products
* Good communications skills, both writing and verbally
* To be self-motivated but able to work as part of a team
* Good organizational and time-management skills
* A positive attitude
* Good negotiation skills and persuasiveness
* Confidence presenting to large groups of people
* Initiative and enterprise
* To be an effective leader
* Trustworthiness and discretion when handling confidential information
* A smart appearance and professional manner
* To enjoy networking and meeting new people.

Experience: 1 - 5 years

Compensation - Best in the industry (plus incentive based pay)

Location: Mumbai


Please apply with the following Info:
-Updated Resume
-Current CTC
-Expected CTC
-Notice Period

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Business Operations Executive Jobs At

Company Details - About (Nasdaq: REDF) is one of the premier worldwide online providers of news, information, communication, entertainment and shopping services. provides an ideal platform for Indians worldwide to connect with one another online. It additionally offers the Indian American community one of the oldest and largest Indian weekly newspapers, India Abroad.
Founded in 1996, is headquartered in Mumbai, India with offices in New Delhi and New York, USA.

Position – Business Operations Executive

Responsibilities –
1. Handling incoming queries on all Rediff Business Solutions i.e. domain hosting and email solutions
2. Conducting outbound calls for client acquisition and retention as per the database assigned by Manager
3. Closing all the leads generated by speaking with and convincing the customers
4. Maintaining real time database of all clients and providing regular updates to Managers as required

Requirements –
1. Graduate with at least 6 months experience in relevant domain
2. Hands on working experience in MS Office, especially Excel. Should be well versed in handling databases on Excel
3. Good communication skills, mainly spoken English. Should have some experience interacting with clients telephonically and / or on email
4. Strong attention to detail and ability to multi-task

Interview Details:

Date : 26th March 12 to 30th March 12 (Monday to Friday)
Time : 10am to 4pm

Venue: India Limited,
Ground Floor, Mahalaxmi Engg. Estate,
L.J.Road No.1, Mahim(W), Mumbai 400 016
Landmark: Next to H J Khilnani High School 

If You Enjoyed This Post Please Take 5 Seconds To Share It Government Jobs in India ,Sarkari Naukri

OR You Can Mail Me At

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Opening for SEO & SMM Specialist in Mumbai with experience of 2 to 4 years.


Job Description
The ideal candidate will have complete mastery of Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Analytics, Social Media Optimization and Blogging along with strong online branding and promotion skills.
Excellent command over written English.

Desired Profile
Should have detailed knowledge about On Page and Off Page Optimization.
Should know analytical tools including Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytical tools.
Hands on experience in marketing through Social web links like Face book, Twitter ETC.

Intellvisions is a leading provider of Customer Experience Technologies with a strong International presence. Our solutions work for some of the world’s leading banking and telecom Institution.

Intellvisions Software Ltd.,
303, Steel House, 24, Mahal Industrial Estate,
Off Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East),
 - 400 093. INDIA.

Phone : (+91-22) 40875452.

Email your resume to Amruta at


New walkins this week - March 20-24



New walkins this week - March 20-24

·         2d flash animation Walkin at chennai from 20 to 24th march

·         Walkin in Baroda for PHP - Magento Professionals on 24th march

·         HCL Walkins for Data Centre Operators from 20 to 23rd march at Mumbai


·         HCL Walkins for Asset Manager from 20 to 23rd march at Mumbai

·         Walkin in Hyderabad – 25th March for Overseas and India

·         Walkin from 22nd and 23rd March - Quality Control at Ahemdabad

·         Human Resource - Executive Walkin on 20th march at Gurgoan

·         Claims Associate Walkins at Calibrated 20th - 23rd March at Gurgoan

·         Team Member Walkin on 21st march at mumbai

·         Walkin for Product Support Associates from Mon-Sat at Bangalore


·         Walkin for-US Collections Executive from 20 to 23rd march at Faridabad

·         Customer Service Executive walkin on 20th march at Delhi

·         Team Member Walkin on 21st march at Bangalore

·         Walkin to ING Vysya Life Insurance for Sales Manager from 20th mar to 31st march at Bangalore

·         Walkin for on 21st March 2012 at Mumbai

·        WALKIN for the position of Software Testing Trainer at Kyra Sanketh Bangalore

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tridat Technologies Pvt. Ltd Looking for Content Writers



Tridat Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is sourcing for quality Content Writers who have a passion for excellence and are seeking to do quality work. We are seeking Creative and Innovative people who can partner our growth.

The Job Opening is at our Client end at Andheri i.e work place will be Andheri but you will be on Tridat Payroll

We are currently looking for Professionals in the following positions:

Role: Content Writer
Location: Adheri Mumbai.
Exp : 2+
Contract: 6 months (initially to start with)

Job Description:
Should be graduates from any background, not necessarily literature.
·         Should have IMPECCABLE language skills. (should be able to write grammatically correct content and should be able to edit for grammar)
·         Should have knowledge and experience in editing and using Chicago Manual of Style /APA.
·         Should have formal and informal written (e-mail) communication skills to inform, raise, and resolve issues with relevant people (clients, SME, internal and external stakeholders). 
·         Should be independently capable of reviewing design documents, storyboards, final courses for instructional flow, accuracy and standards. 
·         Should be capable of suggesting instructional approaches for an identified target audience based on client requirements.
·         Should be capable of communicating with clients independently .
·         Should be capable of suggesting instructional approaches for an identified target audience based on client requirements.
·         Should be capable of communicating with clients independently .
·         Should have 2-3years of experience in any form of teaching, with 1-2 years in e-learning as instructional designer (In special cases, we may consider other content writing and editing experience as a part of this requirement.)
Please furnish with all the below information if interested: 

1. Current Employer: 
2. Designation: 
3. Current Location: 
4. Current CTC: 
5. Expected CTC: 
6. Notice Period: 
7. Total Exp: 
8. Relevant Exp in Corporate training and instructional design: 
9. DOB: 

You may write or call Leena , the undersigned to confirm



Tridat Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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Who Is Real Paan Singh Tomar

Pan Singh Tomar "Olympian    
Until the country ran fine .....
Got to run your "shot" .....


Pan Singh, a resident of a village in the Chambal seven consecutivenational champion in athletics, but forced by circumstances to become a bandit. Eight years to get right to the land they are wearshoes. After all, forced by circumstances, he decided to take the gun.

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