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Saturday, September 25, 2010


Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance. They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions

Aptitude and ability tests can be classified as speed tests or power test. Some of them contain only one type of question (for example, verbal ability, numeric reasoning ability etc) while others are made up of different types of question.

Types of question can be classified as follows:---

Verbal Ability - Includes spelling, grammar, ability to understand analogies and follow detailed written instructions.

Numeric Ability - Includes basic arithmetic, number sequences and simple mathematics.
Abstract Reasoning - Measures your ability to identify the underlying logic of a pattern and then determine the solution.

Spatial Ability - Measures your ability to manipulate shapes in two dimensions or to visualize three-dimensional objects presented as two-dimensional pictures.
Mechanical Reasoning - Designed to assess your knowledge of physical and mechanical principles.

Fault Diagnosis - These tests are used to select technical personnel who need to be able to find and repair faults in electronic and mechanical systems.

Data Checking - Measure how quickly and accurately errors can be detected in data and are used to select candidates for clerical and data input jobs.

In Solving aptitude questions one thing is very imp tha is Don't Make Assumptions.


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