24 Vacancies at Solar Energy Centre for M.Sc./BE/B.Tech / Ph.D. candidates. Apply Before 16th July 2011
Name of the Government Organization: Solar Energy Centre (SEC)
Solar Energy Centre (SEC) invites applications for the following posts:
Job Number: 01
Job Designation: Project Fellow
Number of Positions: 16 (Sixteen)
Pay Scale: i. Rs. 12000/-for M.Sc. ./BE/B.Tech / ii. Rs. 14000/- for M.Tech/ME , or M.Sc. / B.Tech with two years experience
Educational Qualification:
i. First class in M.Sc. (Physics) ./ BE/ B.Tech (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics)
ii. First class in ME/ M.Tech (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics) or First class in M.Sc. with two years experience in energy
Age Limit: 28 years
Job Designation: Project Fellow
Number of Positions: 16 (Sixteen)
Pay Scale: i. Rs. 12000/-for M.Sc. ./BE/B.Tech / ii. Rs. 14000/- for M.Tech/ME , or M.Sc. / B.Tech with two years experience
Educational Qualification:
i. First class in M.Sc. (Physics) ./ BE/ B.Tech (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics)
ii. First class in ME/ M.Tech (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics) or First class in M.Sc. with two years experience in energy
Age Limit: 28 years
Job Number: 02
Job Designation: Research Associate
Number of Positions: 06 (Six)
Pay Scale: Rs.22000/- or 23000/- or 24000/- pm depending on experience after Ph.D. (Plus 30% of HRA)
Educational Qualification: Ph. D in Engineering/ Physics or M.Tech/ ME (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics with three years experience in R&D in relevant field)
Age Limit: 35 years
Job Designation: Research Associate
Number of Positions: 06 (Six)
Pay Scale: Rs.22000/- or 23000/- or 24000/- pm depending on experience after Ph.D. (Plus 30% of HRA)
Educational Qualification: Ph. D in Engineering/ Physics or M.Tech/ ME (Electrical, Mechanical or Electronics with three years experience in R&D in relevant field)
Age Limit: 35 years
Job Number: 03
Job Designation: Consultant
Number of Positions: 02 (Two)
Pay Scale: As per DoPT norms
Educational Qualification: An acknowledge expert in the field of solar energy. May be a working or retired personnel. Teachers of Colleges and Universities/ Scientists may come on study leave. As a consultant may also be required for administrative work, persons with sufficient administrative background with in-depth knowledge of administrative and financial norms of the Govt. of India may also apply.
Job Designation: Consultant
Number of Positions: 02 (Two)
Pay Scale: As per DoPT norms
Educational Qualification: An acknowledge expert in the field of solar energy. May be a working or retired personnel. Teachers of Colleges and Universities/ Scientists may come on study leave. As a consultant may also be required for administrative work, persons with sufficient administrative background with in-depth knowledge of administrative and financial norms of the Govt. of India may also apply.
Location of Posting: New Delhi
Application Form: http://www.mnre.gov.in/pdf/pf-advt-sec2011.pdf
How To Apply For Opening: Interested eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed pro-forma along with two self addressed envelopes of 12×25 cms Speed Post/Registered Post of Indian Postal Department only (application sent through private courier service or by hand will not be accepted) along with Synopsis/research idea applicant wants to purse at SEC during his Associateship / project fellowship within 21 days of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News at the following address:
Director In charge (Visitors & Training Programme) Solar Energy Centre Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Government of India Block No. 14, CGO Complex , Lodi Road New Delhi-110003
Director In charge (Visitors & Training Programme) Solar Energy Centre Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Government of India Block No. 14, CGO Complex , Lodi Road New Delhi-110003
Last Date To Apply: 16th July 2011
Contact Address: Solar Energy Centre, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, Block No. 14, CGO Complex , Lodi Road New Delhi-110003
Advertisement Details: http://www.mnre.gov.in/pdf/pf-advt-sec2011.pdfplease comment if you like my posts thank u

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